Unit-2 : Solutions of Questions on Page Number : 59
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book (MCB) Chapter 8
Q1 : What was wrong with Fox’s school initially?
Answer :
The fox, in order to become the best school, insisted the teachers to teach and the students to learn things they didn’t want to. The animals refused to learn and failed because they were taught to do things they were incapable of.
Q2 : What were the reasons for improvement in the results?
Answer :
The main reason as to why the results improved was because the students were given the freedom to choose subjects of their own choice.
Q3 : Do you think the schools in the present day resemble Fox’s school? If yes/no say how?
Answer :
Yes. Present day’s school resembles the Fox’s school because they are more knowledge oriented than skill oriented. Even though we talk about vocational education today, we believe in gaining professional education to get a job and earn money rather than inculcate the talent within.
Q4 : Can the Bat’s advice be extended to present day schools? If yes, how. If no, why?
Answer :
Yes. The bat’s advice can be extended to present day schools as well in order to mock at the prevailing education system, which focuses mainly on knowledge than skills and talents.
Q5 : Discuss within your group in what way is the story of the Fox’s school applicable to your classroom. How can the issue of inclusion of students with different abilities be addressed in the best possible way?
Answer :
This question is to be answered on the basis of your own understanding, experience and thoughts. It is strongly recommended that you prepare the solution on your own. However, some pointers for discussion have been provided for your reference.
- Motivating words to enhance morale of different kinds of students;
- Judging students according to their capabilities;
- Work assignments assigned on different criteria;
- Judging every individual’s intelligence quotient; etc.
Q6 : What does the term “inclusive education” mean to you?
To me the term “inclusive education” means …………………………………………
Answer :
To me the term “inclusive education” means an approach to educate students with special educational needs. Under this system, students with special needs spend most or all of their time with non-disabled students.
Q7 : What makes Babar Ali’s tale extraordinary is ————
Answer :
What makes Babar Ali’s tale extraordinary is that at 16 years old, Babar Ali must be the youngest headmaster in the world.
Q8 :
That Babar Ali values his education is evident ——————–
Answer :
That Babar Ali values his education is evident as he says that everything I have and everything I am today is thanks to my education.
Q9 : In spite of the fact that he studies in a government school, receiving an education is not easy because:
(a) ———————
(b) ——————–
Answer :
In spite of the fact that he studies in a government school, receiving an education is not easy because:
(a) It’s not easy for him to come to school because he lives far away.
(b)His family has to find around 1,800 rupees a year to send him to school.
Q10 : Chumki is likely to achieve her dream of becoming a nurse because she has the qualities of:
(a) ——————–
(b) ——————-
Answer :
Chumki is likely to achieve her dream of becoming a nurse because she has the qualities of:
(a) Perseverance
(b) Dedication
Q11 : The poor infrastructure that the students of Babar Ali’s school study in is obvious from ——————-
Answer :
The poor infrastructure that the students of Babar Ali’s school study in is obvious from the condition of his backyard where the children seated on mud, rickety benches in a rough homemade shelter.
Q12 : It is ironical that though the poor children are hungry for knowledge
Answer :
It is ironical that though the poor children are hungry for knowledge, they are unable to afford an education.
Q13 : Find one word or phrase from the passage that means the same as the following:
(a) extremely serious, bad or terrible (para 1-3)
(b) to give enthusiastic support (para 4-5)
(c) lanky (para 6-8)
(d) to leave to go to another place (para 13-14)
(e) wobbly (para 16-17)
(f) to write something hastily or untidily (para 22-23)
(g) very difficult to believe (para 23-25)
(h) scamper (para 27-28)
(i) heavy shower (para 28)
Answer :
The meanings of the given words are:
(a) direst
(b) pitches in
(c) gangly
(d) heads off
(e) rickety
(f) scribbling
(g) incredible
(h) scurry
(i) pours down
Q14 : Smt. Anju Kar, Minister (Mass Education), West Bengal comes across BBC’s story of Babar Ali’s remarkable achievements transforming the lives of hundreds of poor children. She writes a letter to him lauding his extraordinary efforts and undeterred spirit of reform in the face of adversity. She also promises support, both financial and academic to him. As Anju Kar, write the letter to Babar Ali.
Answer :
This question is to be answered on the basis of your own understanding, experience and thoughts. It is strongly recommended that you prepare the solution on your own. However, a sample solution has been provided for your reference.
Date: 21 March, 2011
Babar Ali
West Bengal
Dear Babar,
First of all, I want to congratulate you on the wonderful work you have been doing! I came across your story while watching the BBC. After watching the show, I felt that I too should participate in your education project. It is remarkable that you can manage to teach 800 students after school and with a meager infrastructure. I am amazed by your efforts and the enthusiasm of the students who are interested in getting a good education.
Inspired by your efforts, I have decided to build a school in Murshidabad for your 800 students. Not only that, I would also ensure that some of the best teachers from Calcutta can come down and teach at this new school. I also plan to give financial support which is necessary for the functioning of this school so that we can give these 800 students a quality education. I hope this news makes you and your students happy. All the best in all your future endeavours.
Anju Kar,
Minister (Mass Education),
West Bengal
Q15 : Write a biosketch of Tamil writer-Bama
Read the biographical details of famous Tamil writer -Bama and write a bio-sketch on the basis of these details.
- Bama – Born 1958, creative Tamil, woman writer, committed teacher, social activist -popularly known as Karukku Bama.
- Penname – Faustina Mary Fatima Rani.
- Novels -Karukku, Sangati and Vanman- translated into other Indian languages, English and French.
- Wrote twenty short stories – not published in book form.
- Honorary doctorate degree – Crossword Award for her semi-fictional autobiography Karukku.
- Invited by universities in India and abroad –lectures at various conferences.
- Multi-faceted personality-woman with extraordinary courage, conviction, resistance to any form of oppression
- Keen eye for beauty in nature, profound insight into issues pertaining to caste, religion, women.
- Clear thoughts and expression
- Dedicated to the uplift of the downtrodden : passion-Teaching: Mission —
- Building a casteless society
Answer :
This question is to be answered on the basis of your own understanding, experience and thoughts. It is strongly recommended that you prepare the solution on your own. However, a sample solution has been provided for your reference.
Bama, popularly known as Karukku Bama, was born in 1958. She is a Tamilian woman writer, a committed teacher and a social activist. She goes by the penname Faustina Mary Fatima Rani. She is a prolific writer. Her novels include Karukku, Sangati and Vanman which have been translated into other Indian languages, English and French. Moreover, she has written twenty short stories which have not been published in the book form. She holds an honorary doctorate degree , and has won the Crossword Award for her semi-fictional autobiography Karukku. She is regularly invited by Indian and foreign universities to lecture at various conferences. She is a multi-faceted personality and is a woman with extraordinary courage, conviction, and resistance to any form of oppression. She has a keen eye for beauty in nature, profound insight into issues pertaining to caste, religion and women. She has a clarity of thoughts and expression. She is dedicated to the upliftment of the downtrodden, is passionate about teaching and her mission is to build a casteless society.
Q16 : Article on Inclusive Education
Based on your understanding of Inclusive Education from this section, write an article on the topic– ‘Inclusive Education is not an alternative but an inevitability’, for publication in your school magazine. You may keep the following factors affecting Inclusive Education in mind:
- Attitude of parents, teachers, classmates and the society
- Physical support
- Curriculum support
- Teacher support
- Policy support
- Infrastructure
Answer :
This question is to be answered on the basis of your own understanding, experience and thoughts. It is strongly recommended that you prepare the solution on your own. However, a sample solution has been provided for your reference.
Inclusive education means students getting to study what they like to study. It means making a student aware of his/her unique talents and allowing them to express their individuality. Inclusive education means everyone getting an equal opportunity to study irrespective of their financial condition. Such education should help a student make his/her own unique career choice.
The attitude of parents, teachers, classmates and the society in general plays a major role in promoting inclusive education. The curriculum should be such that it inculcates inclusive education and the teachers should also teach in an interesting manner. There should be enough policy support and infrastructure support for a student to pursue the subjects that interest him.